We have enough for 16 pints of salsa. It makes it real easy to have salsa anytime you want without the work every time to make it. This is a great recipe and a hit with family and friends.
These are our two canner's. The one on the right is the first one we ever owned. Something cheap with a rubber gasket to just try and learn and get comfortable. The other canner is a 21 Quart all american metal to metal lid. It's awesome. Love it!
The first step is to sterilize the jar's and lids. All new lids as these are jar's we've used before. Just boil the jars in the canner and put the lids in a pot with water on medium low to heat up.
Now that the jars are sterile, we fill each pint with hot salsa to a 1 inch head space and make sure there are no air bubbles.
Wipe all the jar lips and fasten the lids finger tight.
Make sure the jars are covered by at least 2 inches of water.
Once it comes to a boil, process for 45 minutes. It will heat faster if you put the lid on. I didn't seal either one though.
Remove from heat and let stand to cool to room temperature. This is where you will hear the classic "pop" as the lids form a vacuum. Any lids that do not form a vacuum you should refrigerate and try canning again or use in the next week or so. We've had very good success with all our canning.
Now enjoy anytime you have a hankerin for some salsa!
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