Some new developments: I have two blueberry bushes to go in near a fence and some strawberry's to replenish my strawberry patch.
EDIT: Just to note about the corn, I have two stalks coming up already. Normal germination is 4-12 days. I soaked the seeds for a day and a 1/2 and planted 7 days ago.
First, all the corn was planted on Feb 24. Should be in good shape, no frost or overly good weather in the future. Do have an 80+ predicted for tomorrow though. The corn all went into the three sisters 5x5 garden. Had some seeds left over and didn't want to waste them so I planted about 25 in each of the grow bags behind the bed.
To the right of the corn, you can see the Topsy turvey I mentioned in an earlier post. I ended up planting 10 jalapeno seedlings into it. Again, it shouldn't be too cold for them.
The potato's are growing well. It is interesting that some are growing so much better than the others and the red potato's are growing the best. I did have a little cold weather damage but the plants have pushed through and created new leaves.
The buds on all the cuttings look like they are going to produce leaves so I'm excited about the 42 that I planted in the quart containers. There are buds on the vine that look about ready to say hi as well. It was about this time last year the first growth appeared.
On the bottom left of the picture I planted four horseradish roots. They were pretty well developed so they should do well.
So, on to the 4x4 garden. As they say, a plan is not a plan until you run out of time for changes! The asparagus roots just didn't seem to make it through the winter. Might have been too wet as the roots were decomposing. Had to change the plan. So now there's celery, peas, lettuce, greens, beets, and radishes. I am succession planting here.
In the grow bag is the cucumber and below that two other tomato plants.
Succession planting can be very powerful. I can't count how many times we had garden food rot because everything matured at the same time. Decided to get smart this year.
4 Cel 4 Cel 16 Pea
5 Let 5 Let 5 Let 5 Let
5 Grn 5 Grn 5 Grn 5 Grn
32 Radish 16 Beets
The back left half will be 8 celery, planted 2 at a time every 10 days.
The right half of the back is 16 pea's which all went in at once.
The next row 3 lettuce planted today, then alternating 2/3 every 10 days.
The next row of greens done identical to the lettuce.
The radish is planted 4 at a time every 10 days.
The beets planted 8 a time with 20 days between.
Thanks for visiting. If you have any tips or advice or questions don't hesitate to post them.
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