Sunday, January 13, 2013

Gearing up to prep the grape vine

I had always heard that Texas is great for growing vines.........just not so great at producing quality grapes.  When we moved-in in 2010, we decided to try and grow a vine.  Bought it at Lowe's and put it in.  I knew it wouldn't be until the 3rd growing season until we would see any grapes.

Summer 2012 was the third.  The vine began to shoot leaves in early March and buds appeared.

By April the canopy had come in nicely.

June 4th the grapes began to change color.

The best part about growing them was my son eating them like he was Cesar!  It produced about 12 lbs......after the birds got their initial share and I netted it in!

I never pruned the vine since inception.  I am going to drastically prune it this February.  I learned that grapes won't develop above about 5 feet so all the extra vine was a waste.  I buried a section of vine last year in hopes that it will root and I'll have a second vine.

When I do cut this one back I'm going to replant 30-40 shoots in quart containers and expand the grapes.  I'm going to work three levels on the trellis and see how it goes.

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